Package to calculate the bidimensional and tridimensional regression between two 2D/3D configurations.
From Github
install_github("alexander-pastukhov/tridim-regression", dependencies=TRUE)
If you want vignettes, use
build_vignettes = TRUE)
You can call the main function either via a formula that specifies
dependent and independent variables with the data
table or
by supplying two tables one containing all independent variables and one
containing all dependent variables. The former call is
euc2 <- fit_transformation(depV1 + depV2 ~ indepV1 + indepV2, NakayaData, 'euclidean')
whereas the latter is
euc3 <- fit_transformation_df(Face3D_W070, Face3D_W097, transformation ='translation')
See also
vignette("calibration", package="TriDimRegression")
for an
example of using TriDimRegression
for 2D eye gaze data and
vignette("comparing_faces", package="TriDimRegression")
an example of working with 3D facial landmarks data.
For the 2D data, you can fit "translation"
(2 parameters
for translation only), "euclidean"
(4 parameters: 2 for
translation, 1 for scaling, and 1 for rotation), "affine"
(6 parameters: 2 for translation and 4 that jointly describe scaling,
rotation and sheer), or "projective"
(8 parameters: affine
plus 2 additional parameters to account for projection). For 3D data,
you can fit "translation"
(3 for translation only),
, "euclidean_y"
(5 parameters: 3 for translation scale, 1 for
rotation, and 1 for scaling), "affine"
(12 parameters: 3
for translation and 9 to account for scaling, rotation, and sheer), and
(15 parameters: affine plus 3 additional
parameters to account for projection). transformations. For details on
how matrices are constructed, see
vignette("transformation_matrices", package="TriDimRegression")
Once the data is fitted, you can extract the transformation
coefficients via coef()
function and the matrix itself via
. Predicted data, either based on
the original data or on the new data, can be generated via
. Bayesian R-squared can be computed with or
without adjustment via R2()
function. In all three cases,
you have choice between summary (mean + specified quantiles) or full
posterior samples. loo()
and waic()
corresponding measures that can be used for comparison via
All code is licensed under the GPL 3.0 license.