completejourney 1.1.0
New features
- Added an internet check with
condition handling to provide informative error when downloading online
data sets.
Bug fixes
- Removed
from .Rbuildignore and only specified
ignoring the .rds files. This resolved issue (#14).
As a consequence, the package was too large now that the build included
the required data sets so I downsampled the
and promotions_sample
completejourney 1.0.0
New features
- Add
vignette to demonstrate basic usage
- Add a pkgdown site as a web resource for the package (#3)
- Rename key variables to all be character strings with the column
name ending in
- Remove confusing or inconsistent data in the
and products
datasets (#7)
- Restrict the data to only 2017 to remove some anomalous spending
patterns and reduce the overall size of the package (#7)
- Re-numbered campaign ID to be 1-27 (#12)
- Created importing capabilities so that large data sets do not need
to be included in package (due to size).
Bug fixes