makes working with stable oxygen, carbon, and
clumped isotope data straightforward and reproducible. It offers tools
to quickly calculate:
The list of available proxy–temperature calibrations is growing with each new released version. Please get in touch if you have suggestions to include!
Install the released version of isogeochem
Install the development version of isogeochem
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
if (!require("rmarkdown")) install.packages("rmarkdown")
::install_github("davidbajnai/isogeochem", build_vignettes = TRUE) devtools
Case studies demonstrating the use and scope of the functions in
are available as vignettes.
Use D47()
and D48()
to calculate
equilibrium carbonate clumped isotope values (∆47,
∆48) for a given temperature.
calculates carbonate growth temperatures from
∆47 values, while temp_D48()
growth temperature corrected for kinetic effects considering both the
∆47 and the ∆48 value.
if (!require("shades")) install.packages("shades")
# Model equilibrium carbonate ∆47 and ∆48 values
= seq(0, 100, 10) # temperature range: 0—100 °C
temp = D47(temp, eq = "Fiebig21")
D47eq = D48(temp, eq = "Fiebig21")
# Sample data
= 0.617; D47_coral_err = 0.006
D47_coral = 0.139; D48_coral_err = 0.022
D48_coral = 0.546; D47_speleo_err = 0.007
D47_speleo = 0.277; D48_speleo_err = 0.029
## Plot in ∆47 vs ∆48 space ##
plot(0, type = "l", axes = TRUE, ylim = c(0.4, 0.7), xlim = c(0.1, 0.3),
ylab = expression(Delta[47] * " (CDES90, ‰)"),
xlab = expression(Delta[48] * " (CDES90, ‰)"),
lty = 0, font = 1, cex.lab = 1, las = 1)
# Plot the equilibrium curve and points
lines (D48eq, D47eq, col = "purple", lwd = 2)
points(D48eq, D47eq, col = shades::gradient(c("blue", "red"), length(temp)),
pch = 19, cex = 1.2)
# Plot the sample data,
# ... the kinetic slopes,
# ... and calculate growth temperatures corrected for kinetic effects
# ... using a single function!
temp_D48(D47_coral, D48_coral, D47_coral_err, D48_coral_err, ks = -0.6,
add = TRUE, col = "seagreen", pch = 15)
#> temp temp_err
#> 1 38 6
temp_D48(D47_speleo, D48_speleo, D47_speleo_err, D48_speleo_err, ks = -1,
add = TRUE, col = "darkorange", pch = 17)
#> temp temp_err
#> 1 30 9
# Add labels to the plot
text(D48(temp, eq = "Fiebig21"), D47(temp, eq = "Fiebig21"), paste(temp, "°C"),
col = shades::gradient(c("blue", "red"), length(temp)), pos = 4, cex = 0.8)
calculates equilibrium carbonate oxygen isotope
values (δ18O, δ17O,
∆17O) for a given temperature and ambient water
composition. Use the mix_d17O()
function to calculate
mixing curves in triple oxygen isotope space, e.g., for modeling
if (!require("shades")) install.packages("shades")
# Model equilibrium *calcite* precipitating from seawater
= seq(0, 50, 10) # temperature range: 0—50 °C
temp_sw = 0 # d18O value of seawater
d18O_sw = -0.004 # D17O value of seawater
D17O_sw = prime(d17O_c(temp_sw, d18O_sw, D17O_sw, eq18 = "Daeron19")[, 1])
d18Op = d17O_c(temp_sw, d18O_sw, D17O_sw, eq17 = "Wostbrock20", eq18 = "Daeron19")[, 3]
# Model progressing meteoric diagenetic alteration
= -8 # d18O value of diagenetic fluid
d18O_ds = 0.020 # D17O value of diagenetic fluid
D17O_ds = d17O_c(temp = 10, d18O_H2O = d18O_sw, D17O_H2O = D17O_sw,
em_equi eq17 = "Wostbrock20", eq18 = "Daeron19") # equilibrium endmember
= d17O_c(temp = 80, d18O_H2O = d18O_ds, D17O_H2O = D17O_ds,
em_diag eq17 = "Wostbrock20", eq18 = "Daeron19") # diagenetic endmember
= mix_d17O(d18O_A = em_equi[1], d17O_A = em_equi[2],
mix d18O_B = em_diag[1], d17O_B = em_diag[2], step = 25)
## Plot in ∆17O vs d'18O space ##
plot(0, type = "l", ylim = c(-0.1, 0.05), xlim = c(-10, 40),
xlab = expression(delta * "'" ^ 18 * "O (‰, VSMOW)"),
ylab = expression(Delta ^ 17 * "O (‰, VSMOW)"),
lty = 0, font = 1, cex.lab = 1, las = 1)
# Plot meteoric waters from the build-in dataset
points(prime(meteoric_water$d18O), D17O(meteoric_water$d18O, meteoric_water$d17O),
col = "lightblue1", pch = 20)
text(-4, 0.05, "meteoric water", pos = 4, col = "lightblue1")
# Plot the composition of the fluids
points(prime(d18O_sw), D17O_sw, col = "darkmagenta", pch = 8) # seawater
text(prime(d18O_sw), D17O_sw, "seawater", pos = 4, col = "darkmagenta")
points(prime(d18O_ds), D17O_ds, col = "deeppink", pch = 8) # diagenetic fluid
text(prime(d18O_ds), D17O_ds, "diagenetic fluid", pos = 4, col = "deeppink")
# Plot the equilibrium curve and points
lines(d18Op, D17O, col = "darkmagenta", lwd = 2)
points(d18Op, D17O, pch = 19, cex = 1.2,
col = shades::gradient(c("blue", "red"), length(temp_sw)))
text(d18Op, D17O, paste(temp_sw, "°C"), pos = 4, cex = 0.8,
col = shades::gradient(c("blue", "red"), length(temp_sw)))
text(30, -0.05, paste("equilibrium calcite \nfrom seawater"),
pos = 3, col = "darkmagenta")
# Plot the mixing model between the equilibrium and diagenetic endmembers
lines(prime(mix[, 1]), mix[, 2], col = "deeppink", lty = 3, lwd = 2)
points(prime(mix[, 1]), mix[, 2], pch = 18, cex = 1.5,
col = shades::gradient(c("#3300CC", "deeppink"), length(mix[, 2])))
text(prime(mix[, 1]), mix[, 2], paste(mix[, 3], "%", sep = ""), pos = 2, cex = 0.8,
col = shades::gradient(c("#3300CC", "deeppink"), length(mix[, 3])))
text(22, -0.09, paste("progressing", "\ndiagenetic alteration", "\n(recrystallisation) at 80°C", sep =""),
pos = 2, col = "deeppink")
Use isogeochem
to calculate crystallization temperatures
from carbonate δ18O and ∆47
# Temperature from D47 with or without errors
temp_D47(D47_CDES90 = 0.601, eq = "Petersen19")
#> [1] 24.9
temp_D47(D47_CDES90 = 0.601,
D47_error = 0.008 ,
eq = "Anderson21")
#> temp temp_err
#> 1 22.6 2.7
# Temperature from d18O
d18O_c_VSMOW = 30,
d18O_H2O_VSMOW = 0,
min = "calcite",
eq = "Watkins13")
#> [1] 25.9
Use isogeochem
to calculate
16O/18O fractionation factors at given
if (!require("viridisLite")) install.packages("viridisLite")
plot(0, type = "l", las = 1, yaxt = "n",
xlim = c(10, 30), ylim = c(-30, 50),
xlab = "Temperature (°C)",
ylab = expression("Equilibrium enrichment in "^18*"O relative to H"[2]*"O (‰)"))
axis(2, seq(-30, 50, 10), las = 1)
= seq(10, 30, 1)
temps = 0
d18O_H2O_VSMOW = viridisLite::viridis(7, option = "C")
text(10, 45, expression("CO"[2]*" (aq)"), col = cols[1], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, A_from_a(a18_CO2aq_H2O(temps), d18O_H2O_VSMOW),
lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = cols[1])
text(10, 35, expression("HCO"[3]^"–"), col = cols[2], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, A_from_a(a18_HCO3_H2O(temps), d18O_H2O_VSMOW),
lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = cols[2])
text(10, 30, "calcite", col = cols[3], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, A_from_a(a18_c_H2O(temps, "calcite", "Daeron19"), d18O_H2O_VSMOW),
lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = cols[3])
text(10, 21, expression("CO"[3]^"2–"), col = cols[4], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, A_from_a(a18_CO3_H2O(temps), d18O_H2O_VSMOW),
lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = cols[4])
text(10, 1, expression("H"[2]*"O"), col = cols[5], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, rep(d18O_H2O_VSMOW, length(temps)),
lwd = 3, lty = 1, col = cols[5])
text(10, -23, expression("OH"^"–"), col = cols[6], adj = c(0, 0))
lines(temps, B_from_a(a18_H2O_OH(temps, eq = "Z20-X3LYP"), d18O_H2O_VSMOW),
lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = cols[6])
# Convert between the VSMOW and VPDB scales:
#> [1] 1.05032
#> [1] 31.95092
# Convert between classical delta and delta prime values:
#> [1] 9.950331
#> [1] 9.999666
# Calculate isotope fractionation factors:
a_A_B(A = 30.40, B = 0.15)
#> [1] 1.030245
epsilon(a_A_B(A = 30.40, B = 0.15))
#> [1] 30.24546
Within isogeochem
you have quick access to important
Name | Description | Reference |
devilshole |
The original Devils Hole carbonate δ18O time series | Winograd et al. (2006) |
LR04 |
A benthic foraminifera δ18O stack | Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) |
GTS2020 |
An abridged version of the GTS2020 oxygen isotope stack | Grossman & Joachimski (2020) |
meteoric_water |
A compilation of meteoric water δ18O and δ17O values | Barkan & Luz (2010), Aron et al. (2021) |
For more information on the datasets please have a look at the
corresponding documentation, e.g., ?devilshole
There are several other R packages that complement
and are worth checking out:
and viridis
produce color-blind and black-and-white printer friendly color
works with isoreader
to read in raw measurement data and reproducibly process the results to
clumped isotope values.
can be used to reconstruct temperature and salinity variations from
seasonal oxygen and clumped isotope records.
adds geological timescales to ggplots.