relMix makes relationship inference involving DNA mixtures with
unknown profiles and interprets DNA mixtures with related contributors.
The main function is the graphical user interface
. A tutorial can be found here:
Install from CRAN as follows:
Alternatively, install the latest development version from GitHub:
# First install devtools if needed
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
#Install relMix from GitHub:
::install_github("gdorum/relMix") devtools
To provide pedigree plots, relMix uses the package
. However, this package has some compatibility
issues with MacOS and hence is not included as a hard
dependency. Users who wish to see pedigree plots in the results screen
have to install the package tkrplot
manually with
The tkrplot
package will be loaded by relMix
automatially, so users do not need to run
in advance.